Dr. Paweł Mi¶kowiec
Paweł Mi¶kowiec

Jagiellonian University
Faculty of Chemistry
Department of Environmental Chemistry

e-mail: p.miskowiec@uj.edu.pl
tel.: +48 12 6862571, room D0-20
Gronostajowa 2 str, 30-387 Krakow
#ORCID 0000-0002-3515-7820

2021-2022 Guest Editor of the Special Issue of International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health: "Threats of the Areas Least Resistant to the Effect of Human Pressure" 

List of publications:

  1. Yaneth Cardona, Agnieszka Węgrzyn, Paweł Mi¶kowiec, Sophia A.Korili, Antonio Gil, Heterogeneous Fenton- and photo-Fenton-like catalytic degradation of emerging pollutants using Fe2O3/TiO2/pillared clays synthesized from aluminum industrial wastes, Journal of Water Process Engineering, vol. 52 (2023), https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jwpe.2023.103494, read
  2. Paweł Mi¶kowiecName game: the naming history of the chemical elements—part 3—rivalry of scientists in the twentieth and twenty-first centuries, Foundations of Chemistry (2022). https://doi.org/10.1007/s10698-022-09452-9, read
  3. Paweł Mi¶kowiec, Name game: the naming history of the chemical elements-part 2—turbulent nineteenth century, Foundations of Chemistry (2022), https://doi.org/10.1007/s10698-022-09451-w, read
  4. Paweł Mi¶kowiec, Name game: the naming history of the chemical elements—part 1—from antiquity till the end of 18th century,  Foundations of Chemistry (2022), 1-23, https://doi.org/10.1007/s10698-022-09448-5, read
  5. Paweł Mi¶kowiec, The impact of the mountain barrier on the spread of heavy metals pollution on the example of Gorce Mountains, Southern Poland, Environmental Monitoring and Assessment (2022), 194, 663, https://doi.org/10.1007/s10661-022-10316-0, read 
  6. Yaneth Cardona, Agnieszka Węgrzyn, Paweł Mi¶kowiec, Sophia A Korili, Antonio Gil, Catalytic photodegradation of organic compounds using TiO2/pillared clays synthesized using a nonconventional aluminum source, Chemical Engineering Journal (2022),  https://doi.org/10.1016/j.cej.2022.136908, read
  7. Pieter van Dalen Luna, Lukasz Majchrzak,  Kamilla Malek, Joanna Kuncewicz, Pawel Miskowiec, The multimodal chemical study of pre-Columbian Peruvian mummies, Analyst (2020),  https://doi.org/10.1039/D0AN01017K
  8. Katarzyna Zięba, Elżbieta Szostak, Krystyna Czekońska, Paweł Mi¶kowiec, Agnieszka Moos-Matysik, Anna Nyczyk-Malinowska, Hajnalka Szentgyörgyi, Usefulness of bee bread and capped brood for the assessment of monocyclic aromatic hydrocarbon levels in the environment, Environmental Pollution, 265, part A (2020), read
  9. Paweł Mi¶kowiec, Zofia Olech, Searching for the Correlation Between the Activity of Urease and the Content of Nickel in the Soil Samples: The Role of Metal Speciation, Journal of Soil Science and Plant Nutrition (2020), read
  10. Katarzyna Zięba, Paweł Mi¶kowiec Different approach to determination of pyrethroid pesticides in ornamental plants, World News of Natural Sciences, (2019), 27, 96-107, read 
  11. Paweł Mi¶kowiec 200 lat wykorzystania kadmu w nauce, technice i sztuce (200 years of cadmium application in science, technology and art) , Kwartalnik Historii Nauki i Techniki R. 63, (2018) nr 2, 127–137, (in Polish),  read
  12. Paweł Mi¶kowiec Contamination of small watercourses with heavy metals depending on distance from emission sources: Lesser Poland case study, Water and Environment Journal  - (2018), 32(2), 197-208,       
  13. Mirosława Kot, Monika Gołosz, Elżbieta Grzyb, Paweł Mi¶kowiec Ocena jako¶ci wód Sudołu Dominikańskiego na podstawie wybranych parametrów fizykochemicznych (Evaluation of the quality of water of Sudoł Dominikański based on selected physicochemical parameters), Pr±dnik. Prace i Materiały Muzeum im. Prof. Wł. Szafera, tom 27 (2017), tom 27 (2017), 131-146. (in Polish)read 
  14. Katarzyna H±c-Wydro, Agnieszka Mateja, Aleksandra Ożóg, Paweł Mi¶kowiec Influence of metal ions on the aggregation of anionic surfactants. Studies on the interactions between environmental pollutants in aqueous solutions, Journal of Molecular Liquids 240 (2017): 514-521,
  15. Paweł Mi¶kowiec, Kornelia Skrętuła , Magdalena Ja¶kiewicz Zróżnicowanie zawarto¶ci metali ciężkich w glebach doliny Dłubni (Diversification of heavy metals content in the soils of the Dłubnia valley), Pr±dnik. Prace i Materiały Muzeum im. Prof. Wł. Szafera, tom 26 (2016), 163-172. (in Polish), read 
  16.  Katarzyna H±c-Wydro, Iwona Pałasińska, Paweł Mi¶kowiec The comparative studies on the ability of anionic surfactants to bind lead(II) ions, Journal of Molecular Liquids 219 (2016):1071–1077,
  17. Mi¶kowiec P., Łapta¶ A., Zięba K. Soil pollution with heavy metals in industrial and agricultural areas: a case study of Olkusz District. Journal of Elementology (2015), 20(2): 353 - 362, read
  18. Paweł Mi¶kowiec, Anna Łapta¶, Weronika Tłu¶ciak Metale ciężkie w wodach i osadach rzecznych Pr±dnika i S±spówki (Heavy metals in the water and river sediments of Pr±dnik and S±spówka), Pr±dnik. Prace i Materiały Muzeum im. Prof. Wł. Szafera, tom 24 (2014), 139-150. (in Polish), read
  19. Paweł Mi¶kowiec, Anna Łapta¶, Małgorzata ¦lusarska Metale ciężkie w glebach doliny Pr±dnika (Heavy metals in the soils of the Pr±dnik Valley), Pr±dnik. Prace i Materiały Muzeum im. Prof. Wł. Szafera, tom 24 (2014), 131-138. (in Polish), read
  20. M. Broniatowski, M. Flasinski, K. Zieba, P. Miskowiec Interactions of pentacyclic triterpene acids with cardiolipins and related phosphatidylglycerols in model systems.” Biochimica et Biophysica Acta-Biomembranes, 1838, 10 (2014) 2530-2538,
  21. M. Broniatowski, M. Flasinski, K. Zieba, P. MiskowiecLangmuir monolayer studies of the interaction of monoamphiphilic pentacyclic triterpenes with anionic mitochondrial and bacterial membrane phospholipids - searching for the most active terpene.” Biochimica et Biophysica Acta-Biomembranes, 1838, 10 (2014) 2460-2472,
  22. Paweł Mi¶kowiec, Anna Łapta¶, Agnieszka Seroka Wybrane parametry fizykochemiczne wód ze Ľródeł doliny Pr±dnika (Selected physicochemical parameters of water from the springs of the Pr±dnik Valley), Pr±dnik. Prace i Materiały Muzeum im. Prof. Wł. Szafera, tom 23 (2013), 111-119. (in Polish), read
  23. Łojewski , T., Mi¶kowiec, P. , Molenda, M. , Lubańska, A. , Łojewska, J. Artificial versus natural ageing of paper. Water role in degradation mechanisms. Applied Physics A: Materials Science and Processing 100 (2010) 625-633,
  24. Łojewski, T., Mi¶kowiec, P., Missori, M., Lubańska, A., Proniewicz, L.M., Łojewska, J. FTIR and UV/vis as methods for evaluation of oxidative degradation of model paper: DFT approach for carbonyl vibrations. Carbohydrate Polymers 82 (2010) 370-375,
  25. P. Mi¶kowiec, J. Łojewska, M. Molenda, A. Lubańska, L.M. Proniewicz, Woda w celulozie; studium nad jej rodzajami oraz rol± w procesie degradacji (Water in cellulose; study of its types and role in the degradation process), „Na pograniczu chemii i biologii”, t. XIX, red. H. Koroniak, J. Barciszewski, UAM Press, Poznań, (2007) 165-174. (in Polish),
  26. J. Łojewska, A. Lubańska, P. Mi¶kowiec, T. Łojewski, L.M. Proniewicz FTIR in situ transmission studies on the kinetics of paper degradation via hydrolytic and oxidative reaction paths, Appl. Phys. A - Materials Science & Processing, 83 (2006) 597-603,
  27. P. Mi¶kowiec, J. Łojewska, A. Lubańska, L.M. Proniewicz, Badania spektroskopowe mechanizmów degradacji papieru (Spectroscopic studies of paper degradation mechanisms), Na pograniczu chemii i biologii, red. H. Koroniak, J. Barciszewski, t. XIII, Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM, Poznań, (2005) 55-62. (in Polish),
  28. J. Łojewska, A. Lubańska, T.Łojewski, P. Mi¶kowiec, L.M. Proniewicz “Kinetic approach to degradation of paper. In situ FTIR transmission studies on hydrolysis and oxidation”  e-PreservationScience, 2 (2005) 1-12, read
  29. J. Łojewska, P. Mi¶kowiec, T. Łojewski, L.M. ProniewiczCellulose oxidative and hydrolytic degradation: In situ FTIR approach Polymer Degradation and Stability 88 (2005) 512-520,
  30. J. Łojewska, P. Mi¶kowiecL.M. Proniewicz Oxidative and hydrolytic path of paper degradation studied by in-situ FTIR transmission spectroscopy. Proceedings of the International Conference" Durability of paper and Writing", (2004), 24-25, read
  31. P. Mi¶kowiec, J. Łojewska, L.M. ProniewiczStudy on the mechanism of hydrolytic and oxidative degradation of paper using in-situ FT-IR methodAnnals of Polish Chemical Society (2004) 812-815.  read

Chapters in books:

  1. Paweł Mi¶kowiec, Sampling techniques in FT-IR spectroscopy, chapter in the book: Vibrational Spectroscopy: From theory to applications, ed. Kamilla Małek, PWN, 2016, ISBN: 978-83-01-18885-6, pp. 26-35.
  2. Paweł Mi¶kowiec, The application of infrared spectroscopy for the determination of petroleum hydrocarbons in surface water and wastewaterchapter in the book: Vibrational Spectroscopy: From theory to applications, ed. Kamilla Małek , PWN, 2016, ISBN: 978-83-01-18885-6, pp. 100 - 108.
  3. Rygula, P. Miskowiec, Chemometric Analysis of Raman and IR Spectra of Natural Dyes, chapter in the book: Optical Spectroscopy and Computational Methods in Biology and Medicine, ed. M. Baranska, Springer, 2014, ISBN: 978-9400778313, pp. 279-308.

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