
Toxicological and Pharmaceutical Analysis Group



group members

Małgorzata Herman, PhD     - www
Radosław Porada, PhD, Eng

basic information



Main fields of research activity

The Toxicological and Pharmaceutical Analysis Group was established in November 2008. The main direction of scientific research is application of alternative biological material (hair, nails, saliva) for evaluation of exposure to psychoactive substances (tobacco smoke, alcohol, street drugs, medicaments) . The very important of the research is evaluation of the prenatal exposure to psychoactive substances. Apart the determination of xenobiotics in biological material in the scope of research is determination of active and contaminants of pharmaceutical preparations.

Home page of the Group


  1. Florek E., Jabłecka A., Olszewski J., Piekoszewski W., Kulza M., Seńczuk-Przybyłowska M., Chuchracki M., Effect of tobacco smoke on lipids peroxidation and liver function in streptozotocin diabetic rats - preliminary study, Przegl. Lek., 2010, 67 (10), 888-892.
  2. Kulza M., Piekoszewski W., Florek E., Fory D., Kobus A., Seńczuk-Przybyłowska M., Chuchracki M., Develop rapid and inexpensive method for the determination of methadone and its major metabolites for monitoring therapy, Przegl. Lek., 2010, 67 (10), 925-928
  3. M. Siwek, D. Dudek, M. Schlegel-Zawadzka, A. Morawska, W. Piekoszewski, W. Opoka, A. Zięba, A. Pilc, P. Popik, G. Nowak, Serum zinc level in depressed patients during zinc supplementation of imipramine treatment, Journal of Affective Disorders, 2010, 126, 447-452.
  4. K.A. Madej , Analysis of meconium, nail and tears for determination of medicaments and drugs of abuse, Trends Anal. Chem., 2010, 29, 246-259.
  5. J.Majcherczyk ,M. Kulza , Determination of citalopram and its enantiomers by means of chromatographic techniques - Problems of Forensic Science, 2010, LXXXIII, 288-297
  6. Kościelniak P., Wieczorek M., Kozak J., Herman M. Generalized Calibration Strategyin Analytical Chemistry, Analytical Letters, 2010, ID: 500782
    in press
  7. W.Piekoszewski , E. Florek , D. Szpak , L. Kramer , W. Jawien , Influence of alcohol on carbamazepine action in alcohol abused epileptic patients Pharmacological Report, 2010, 62.
    in press
  8. A. Biedron, K. Madej, Rozdzielenie i identyfikacja leków przeciwpsychotycznych w osoczu ludzkim metodą HPLC/DAD, Na Pograniczu Chemii i Biologii,
    in press
  9. M. Herman, W. Piekoszewski, E. Florek, Determination of copper in alternative materials in healthy voluntaries
    w recenzji w Zhurnal Analiticheskoi Khimii

  1. Adamek R., Florek E., Piekoszewski W., Breborowicz G.H., Anholcer A., Active and passive exposure of pregnant women to tobacco smoke, Archives of Perinatal Medicine, 2009, 15, 89-94.
  2. Florek E., Ignatowicz E, Piekoszewski W., Effect of pregnancy and tobacco smoke on antioxidant activity of rutin in animal model, Pharmacol. Rep., 2009, 61, 935-940.
  3. Florek E., Nowakowska A., Ignatowicz E., Piekoszewski W., Kulza M., Saija A., Chuchracki M., Senczuk-Przybyłowska M., Kramer L., Effect of combined exposure to ethanol and tobacco smoke on lipid peroxidation in rats, Przegl. Lek., 2009, 66, 655-659.
  4. Florek E., Piekoszewski W., Senczuk-Przybyłowska M., Stanaszek R., Hair as a material for study of medicaments and psychoactive substances, Archives of Perinatal Medicine, 15, 2009, 72-82.
  5. Herman M., Kościelniak P., Wieczorek M., Stafinski M., Matuszek M., A Flow Method with Spectrophotometric Detection for Determination of Chlorite Ions in Drinking Water, Chem. Anal. 54, 2009, 907.
  6. Król M., Florek E., Kornacka M.K., Bokiniec R., Piekoszewski W., Clinical condition of the newborn versus tobacco smoke exposure during fetal life, Przegl. Lek., 2009, 66, 548-553.
  7. Piekoszewski W., Florek E., Kulza M., Wilimowska J., Loba U., ODevelopment of analytical method for determination nicotine metabolites in urine, Przegl. Lek., 2009, 66, 593-597.
  8. Piekoszewski W., Florek E., Kobus A., Lechowicz W., Blanquart T., Developing of LC/MS method with microwave assisted extraction for determination of methadone and it major metabolite (EDDP) in the blood of patients of methadone maintenance treatment, Przegl. Lek., 2009, 66, 850-852.
  9. Piekoszewski W., Florek E., Dopalacze, Przegl. Lek., 66, 861-865, 2009.
  10. Florek E., Enko J., Piekoszewski W., Cigarette and coffee - pharmacokinetics interaction between nicotine and caffeine, Przegl. Lek., 2009, 66, 866-868.
  11. Madej K., Microwave-assisted and cloud-point extraction in determination of drugs and other bioactive compounds, TrAC-Trends Anal. Chem., 2009, 28, 436-446 .
  12. Madej K., Biedron A., Garbacik A., Study of separation and extraction conditions for five neuroleptic drugs by LLE-HPLC-DAD method in human plasma, J. Liquid Chromatog. Related Technol., 2009, 32, 3025-3037.
  13. Woźniakiewicz M., Kuczara J., P. Kościelniak., Determination of fluoxetine in blood samples by high-performance liquid chromatography using a derivatization reagent, Chem. Anal., 2009, 54, 667-677.

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Modified by: Mariusz Pilch, 2014-10-02 15:52:18
