Foundation ”PRO
CHEMIA” at the Faculty of Chemistry of the Jagiellonian University
KRS: 00000 53730

Statutory goals

Foundation Council Members

Returning Committee Members |
Board of Directors

Economic Activity

Goals achieved

Address, account number, Accounts office
Foundation ”PRO CHEMIA” at the Faculty of Chemistry of the Jagiellonian University was established with a notary act on 3rd November 1995 by the following Founders:
¤ Roman Dziembaj
¤ Anna Kolasa
¤ Joanna Kowal
¤ Maria Nowakowska
¤ Piotr Petelenz
¤ Teresa Życzkowska
Statutory goals of the Foundation were defined as:
- to support the Faculty of Chemistry of the Jagiellonian University in all activities aiming at fundamental renewal of the material substance base, especially in apparatus and laboratory equipment for scientific and educational purposes.
- to finance the statutory obligations of the Faculty of Chemistry, in particular the scientific and didactic undertakings concerning environmental and human health protection issues and investigations into novel materials of the required properties.
- to promote Faculty of Chemistry in Poland and abroad.
- to help in purchasing specialist literature.
The ”PRO CHEMIA” foundation was established as a legal entity on 29th February, 1996
that is on the day of registering it in the foundation register at the XVI Economic Department of the District Court for the capital city of Warsaw.
The court has approved the statute of the Foundation Council Members, of the Board of Directors and the Returning Committee of the Foundation ”PRO CHEMIA”. |
The Foundation's Board of Directors was constituted on 17th April, 1996 and was approved by the Foundation Council Members on 13th June 1996 at the first meeting.
Board of Directors of the V term (2009÷2012)
Prof. dr hab. Edward Mikuli
Dr hab. Andrzej Kotarba
Dr Łukasz Hetmańczyk
Dr Agnieszka Czarny
Committee members:
Dr Teresa Życzkowska
Mgr Barbara Dudek
Foundation Council Members of the V term (2009÷2012)
Prof. dr hab. Zofia Stasicka
Vice- chairwoman:
Prof. dr hab. Maria Nowakowska
Prof. dr hab. Janusz Jamrozik
Prof. dr hab. Krystyna Bogdanowicz-Szwed
Prof. dr hab. Edgar Bortel
Mgr Andrzej Cebulski
Prof. dr hab. Jerzy Datka
Prof. dr hab. Krystyna Dyrek
Prof. dr hab. Roman Dziembaj
Dr Maciej Góra
Prof. dr hab. Stanisław Hodorowicz
Dr Zofia Kluz
Prof. dr hab. Andrzej Parczewski
Prof. dr hab. Piotr Petelenz
Dr Michał M. Poźniczek
Prof. dr hab. Leonard M. Proniewicz
Dr hab. Barbara Rys
Prof. dr hab. Zbigniew Sojka
Prof. dr hab. Grażyna Stochel
Board of Directors of the IV term (2006÷2009)
Prof. dr hab. Edward Mikuli
Dr hab. Andrzej Kotarba
Mgr Barbara Siniarska
Dr Teresa Życzkowska
Committee members:
Dr Agnieszka Czarny
Dr Łukasz Hetmańczyk
Foundation Council Members of the IV term (2006÷2009)
Prof. dr hab. Zofia Stasicka
Vice- chairwoman:
Prof. dr hab. Maria Nowakowska
Prof. dr hab. Janusz Jamrozik
Prof. dr hab. Krystyna Bogdanowicz-Szwed
Prof. dr hab. Edgar Bortel
Mgr Łukasz Brzózka
Mgr Andrzej Cebulski
Prof. dr hab. Jerzy Datka
Prof. dr hab. Krystyna Dyrek
Prof. dr hab. Roman Dziembaj
Prof. dr hab. Stanisław Hodorowicz
Dr Zofia Kluz
Prof. dr hab. Andrzej Parczewski
Prof. dr hab. Piotr Petelenz
Prof. dr hab. Leonard M. Proniewicz
Dr hab. Barbara Rys
Prof. dr hab. Zbigniew Sojka
Dr Konrad Szaciłowski
Returning Committee Members of the IV term (2006÷2009)
Dr hab. Katarzyna Stadnicka
Prof. dr hab. Maria Paluch
Dr hab. Agnieszka Pattek-Janczyk
Economic activities:
Forms and range of the Foundation activities:
- expertise and research works contracted by individuals and legal entities in Poland and abroad;
- editorials and publishing;
- organization of different kinds of professional trainings and courses for all educational levels;
- organization and services for conferences, symposiums and meetings;
- organization of cultural, artistic and recreational events;
- preparation and production of teaching aids, as well as scientific apparatus;
- transfer of technology and results of studies into practice.
The property of the Foundation consists of the Founders' contribution and goods purchased during the Foundation's activities, in particular:
- inheritance, donations, subsidies, and other forms of material subventions given to the Foundation by national and foreign individuals and legal entities;
- profits from economic activities;
- interest income.
The economic activities of the Foundation include four main streams
- providing scientific aids, textbooks and books;
- conducting post degree courses for chemistry teachers by the Chemistry Faculty staff, as well as writing the curriculum and starting courses for teachers ”Science for 4-6 grades of primary schools”
- arranging presentations for students of primary and secondary schools;
- conducting chemical analysis and expertise contracted from outside of the Faculty.
Any information about the teaching materials (transparencies, didactic games, textbooks) or ordering possibilities are given by
Department of Chemical Education,
Faculty of Chemistry of the Jagiellonian University,
tel. +48 12 663 22 58
or +48 12 633 20 65 or +48 12 663 20 66
(dr Zofia Kluz or other Department staff)
Goals achieved:
The funds generated by ”PRO CHEMIA” foundation were used for example for:
- renovating and modernization of lecture hall no. 30,
- providing furniture of our design for the hall, ground floor, corridors and second floor hall,
- purchasing computers entirely equipped to the Students Computer Room, Department of Chemical Education and to the Laboratory of Working Environment Monitoring,
- purchasing of the projection equipment to the lecture hall,
- purchasing of laboratory equipment to the Department of General Chemistry,
- purchasing of laboratory equipment to the Laboratory of Working Environment Monitoring,
- modernization of the Department of Chemical Education rooms,
- organizing and equipping the ”Prochemia Corner” for students, which is located near D staircase,
providing lightning of the surroundings of the Chemistry Faculty,
installation of entrance monitoring system of the Faculty of Chemistry building,
purchasing of the video and notebook for multimedia projector in the Faculty of Chemistry lecture hall,
purchasing of the server and computers for the students computer room,
purchasing of the inorganic chemistry books for the Faculty library,
purchasing of the computer and printer to Department of Organic Chemistry,
purchasing of the computer with software, cash register and multipurpose laser appliance (fax, scanner, color printer and xero machine) for „Foundation Accounts Office”
The detailed list of donations for Faculty of Chemitry can be found in the ”Donation Book”. All the Founders are honorem with the Founder Diploma and registered in the Donation Book of the ”Pro Chemia” Foundation. |
Address, account number, Accounts office
”PRO CHEMIA” Foundation Office:
Faculty of Chemistry of the Jagiellonian University, R. Ingardena 3, 30-060 Kraków room 034
tel. +48 12 663 22 06 or +48 12 663 29 11
fax. +48 12 663 22 06
TIN: 677-16-83-218
REGON: 351058170
”PRO CHEMIA” Foundation accountant mgr Małgorzata Wysocka-Kalisz
e-mail: wysocka.m@biuro-spk.pl
Mobile phone +48 506 060 375
Working hours:
Thursday 11.00÷14.00, room 034
tel. +48 12 663 22 06 or +48 12 663 29 11
Fax. +48 12 663 22 06
Bank account :
P.B.B. INVEST-BANK S.A. Oddz. Kraków, ul. Garbarska 9
Account No:
54 1680 1062 0000 3000 0090 0881 (PLN)
33 1680 1062 0000 3000 0730 4714 (USD)
02 1680 1062 0000 3000 0730 4787 (EUR)