Jagiellonia University
Study of Environmental Protection

Description of courses 1st

Description of courses 2nd

More information about study


Environmental protection is an interdisciplinary study related to the nature and method of its protection. Our studies are based on chemistry and biology, however include also elements of physics, mathematics, computer science, law, economy, medicine, chemical engineering, town-planning, architecture and humanities. An environmental protection study at the Jagiellonian University was created in 1993, as a first environmental study in Poland. The studies are offered in two levels:

I Level - BSc studies (3 years/6 semesters/180 ECTS):
Curriculum for this level includes the following courses: Chemistry (general chemistry, inorganic and organic chemistry, analytical chemistry, chemical engineering and technology, chemical methods for identification of pollutants and their removal from air, water and soil); Biology and Earth Sciences (biology, biochemistry, biogeochemistry, genetics, ecology, zoology, botany, geology and geochemistry, meteorology and climatology, microbiology, hydrology and hydrobiology); Economy and Law (economical and law principles of environmental protection, intellectual property law).

After first year students should select one of the specializations - environmental chemistry or environmental biology. Our studies provide the capability and skills over time to analyze environmental issues, engage in problem solving, and take action to sustain and improve the environment.

II Level – MSc studies (2 years/4 semesters/120 ECTS):
The studies are performed in two specializations - environmental chemistry and environmental biology. Curriculum for this level includes the following courses: Chemistry (advanced instrumental analysis, chemical technology in environmental protection, ecotoxycology); Biology and Earth Sciences (genetics, evolutionism); Other (architecture of landscape, statistic and modelling, environmental protection politics).

The students prepare Master Thesis in semesters 3 and 4. Defence of Master Thesis take place in the end of 4th semester.  

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