3rd Central European Conference
Chemistry towards Biology

Kraków, 8-12 September 2006

Dear Colleagues,

Thank you for the interest in the 3rd Central European Conference "Chemistry towards Biology", held from 8 to 12 September 2006 in Kraków, Poland. This conference was continuation of a long-term cooperation among scientists from Central Europe sharing a scientific interest in chemical biology and biological chemistry. The previous conference of this series was held in Seggau, Austria in September 2004. The 3rd Central European Conference "Chemistry towards Biology" addressed specifically the following research topics:

A major objective of the conference is to develop a platform for mutual scientific contacts between researchers from the European and other countries and to foster future collaborations between scientists in these countries. In view of this perspective we specifically encourage younger scientists to participate.
In this web site you can find

For the Organising Committee
Grażyna Stochel
e-mail: sekretar@chemia.uj.edu.pl

Our sponsors
TgK Scientific Ltd Bio-Logic Science Instruments Perkin Elmer
COMEF Aparatura Naukowo-Badawcza Olympus Polska sp. z o.o. Meranco - Aparatura Kontrolno-Pomiarowa i Laboratoryjna Sp. z o. o.